Sunday, May 2, 2010

Shamed Face Woman

This painting really stuck out to me. It's one of those paintings that is simple, but has a complex meaning behind it. The woman in the painting is so beautiful and ugly at the same time. Her face is calm and yet her and body language suggest that she is in a state of disarray. Her shame does not leap out of the canvas immediately,but I can tell by the look on her face, that she is contemplating what she is about do or just did. I like the painting because it is so easy to relate to. There are many things that I have done that I feel shameful about so I feel that this painting relates to me. It's like a song that you hear on radio and the lyrics fit your life or particular situation to a tee. This is what that painting is to me. I like how realistic the woman is and the situation that is as well.

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