Monday, May 10, 2010

Damien Hirst

I did not hear about Damien Hirst or his artwork for that matter until I took Art Appreciation this semester. Hirst is a prolific artist from the United Kingdom. His art can be best described as in your face and abrasive. When I first looked at his artwork I was like the wtf. Who buys this stuff and why would anyone want this in their house. Needless to say, I was not too fond of Hirst's work. But his work does remind of Salvador Dali, one of my favorite artist. There are some similarities between the two artist. I think both artist's work can be called abrasive and have a tendency to make people uncomfortable. One piece of artwork of Damien Hirst's that I did like was his Virgin Mother sculpture. I like how half of the woman's body shows the external features while the other half shows the internal features. It reminded of something that I would see at Nature and Science Museum. I thought it was pretty cool how Hirst made a woman's pregnancy, a common occurrence in life, into art. I may not be completely on the Damien Hirst band wagon, but I have no problem giving credit when it's due.
image: google images

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