Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Propaganda:Russian Style

It's amazing how art can be used for many things and how it can convey many things as well. Art can be a great thing when it comes to boosting a country's ego and rising the country's morale. Russia( or I should say the fmr. Soviet Union) used art in this form. When they were not building nukes to further fuel the Cold War with the United States; the Russians used art to display their prowess and might. The picture that I'm analyzing features a larger than life Stalin flanked by huge red flag. Beneath Stalin, is a large army and they are carrying these red flags as well. The illustration makes Stalin look like a strong powerful leader. He points to the future and leads his army into the future. The picture makes Communism look so bold and ballsy. It looks like there is not a man or another country that can stand up to this big mean Soviet machine. The red background represents the fury that fueled this nation and where this unabashed fury would take them.Fast forward a few decades and it is obvious that this mind frame or sense of thinking was wrong, but at least the Soviet Union got there day in the sun.

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